Blogs & Articles

You don’t need to put everything into an asset management system. Noah Broadwater is the CTO of Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit behind the Sesame Street children’s media juggernaut. Dan Woods, CEO and Founder of Early Adopter Research, sat down with Broadwater to discuss asset and portfolio management from the perspective of the CTO, the effect […]

December 9, 2017

If you want to know what’s broken, talk to the people who do the work. Noah Broadwater is the CTO of Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit behind the Sesame Street children’s media juggernaut. Dan Woods, CEo and Founder of Early Adopter Research, sat down with Broadwater to discuss asset management and portfolio management from the perspective […]

December 9, 2017

How do you go about pruning your IT estate? Noah Broadwater is the CTO of Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit behind the Sesame Street children’s media juggernaut. Dan Woods, CEO and Founder of Early Adopter Research, sat down with Broadwater to discuss asset and portfolio management from the perspective of the CTO, the effect and dictates […]

December 9, 2017

Consumerization is recognition that the footprint of IT has expanded beyond its typical boundaries. Noah Broadwater is the CTO of Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit behind the Sesame Street children’s media juggernaut. Dan Woods, CEO and Founder of Early Adopter Research, sat down with Broadwater to discuss asset (Part I) and portfolio (Part II) management from […]

December 9, 2017

All of the information needed for a pruning analysis should be available as part of managing a well run IT shop. IT pruning is the practice of shutting down applications and systems that are not providing value. As Dan Woods pointed out in “Why Aren’t You Pruning Your IT?”, the largest, richest, most sophisticated companies […]

December 9, 2017

One of the most important enduring challenges facing CITOs is making sure that the technology portfolio is aligned at all levels with the needs of the business. One of the most important enduring challenges facing CITOs is making sure that the technology portfolio is aligned at all levels with the needs of the business. In […]

December 9, 2017

What you don’t know just may cost you money – lots of it – when dealing with Oracle. But just six smart steps, taken early, can help position most companies to get what they want out of their Oracle relationship without breaking the bank. Get Your Oracle Spend Under Control What you don’t know just […]

December 9, 2017

The challenge of cybersecurity is as much economic as it is technological. The fact is no matter what the size of a company no amount of spending will provide complete safety. The crucial questions for Google, Facebook, IBM or your company are the same: What assets are we trying to protect? How much can we […]

December 6, 2017

In the past year or so, I’ve been looking at all sorts of technology related to cybersecurity. Compared to most domains of IT, cybersecurity is a jungle of overlapping offerings. It is not easy to understand each product or how many products one might need. To help sort things out in my mind, I’ve developed […]

December 6, 2017

All over the world, Oracle customers regularly find themselves having to negotiate with Oracle about how to pay for software that they never intended to buy. Most companies find this process quite unpleasant and would prefer to avoid it. This research mission seeks to answer a simple question: How can Oracle customers gain control of […]

December 4, 2017