Blogs & Articles

In this latest edition of the Early Adopter Podcast, Dan Woods speaks with First Round’s Howard Morgan about how digital transformation fits into the larger history of technological change. The conversation covers the following: * 3:00 – The nebulous definition of digital transformation * 10:00 – Business process engineering * 13:30 – Six Sigma * […]

March 18, 2019

In a recent episode of the Early Adopter Research (EAR) Podcast, EAR’s Dan Woods spoke with Rob Woollen, the CEO and cofounder of Sigma Computing, about designing enterprise platforms. Sigma Computing’s products can be a component inside an enterprise platform, as the company was created to bring the spreadsheet paradigm to the world of business […]

March 6, 2019

In this edition of the Early Adopter Research Podcast, Early Adopter’s Dan Woods speaks with Rob Woollen, CEO of Sigma Computing. Sigma Computing’s products can be a component inside an enterprise platform, as the company was created to bring the spreadsheet paradigm to the world of business intelligence and data analytics. This is an idea […]

March 5, 2019

This is the second in a series of pieces that address crucial questions in cybersecurity that I spoke to with industry leaders during the RSA 2018 Conference and updated with new ideas in the run-up to RSA 2019 in San Francisco. These questions built on my previous work, in which I’ve written about the need […]

February 20, 2019

At the RSA 2018 Conference, I had the chance to discuss the current landscape of cybersecurity technology with a wide range of industry leaders, CEOs, and thinkers. I’ve written extensively over the past few years about the need for companies to adopt a portfolio approach to their cybersecurity needs modeled on financial investments, so that […]

February 14, 2019

The Early Adopter Research Podcast covers a wide array of topics from cybersecurity to big data governance. In a recent episode, Early Adopter’s Dan Woods focused on designing enterprise platforms with two professors from the ESSEC Business School, Thomas Huber and Thomas Kude. The conversation focused on the way that platform governance can influence and […]

February 12, 2019

In this edition of the Early Adopter Research Podcast, Dan Woods speaks with two ESSEC Business School professors, Thomas Kude and Thomas Huber, about platform governance. The conversation focused on the way that platform governance can influence and inform the design of product based platforms. Huber is an associate professor of information systems at ESSEC […]

February 11, 2019

Palisade’s Insight Into How To Survive An Oracle Audit At this point, Oracle’s reputation precedes it when it comes to aggressive auditing of its customers. As I’ve written about in several other pieces, a large part of Oracle’s current business model is to use the bargaining power that comes from finding compliance violations in the […]

February 5, 2019

At Early Adopter Research, we believe that IT, the application of technology to solve business problems, is one of the most important areas of human endeavor, one that can create massive value and solve some of the world’s most vexing problems. This article is the first of several that Early Adopter Research, which we call […]

January 30, 2019

In a recent edition of the Early Adopter Podcast, Dan Woods spoke with Palisade Compliance’s CEO Craig Guarente about Oracle’s increasing practice of auditing its customers for their use of Java. Recently, Oracle has focused its innovation as much or more on licensing and audit practices as it has on technology. It seems a lot […]

January 29, 2019