Blogs & Articles

In this edition of the Early Adopter Podcast, Dan Woods speaks with Palisade’s CEO Craig Guarente about Java audits. It is the first podcast in the “Escape Hatch from Oracle” series. Oracle has focused its innovation as much or more on licensing and audit practices as it has on technology. Oracle has created a lot […]

January 28, 2019

What is a startup? For a term that is used as frequently as it is, when you take a step back to consider it, and speak with those in the tech industry, you find the definition varies from person to person more than you might expect. Early Adopter Research’s Dan Woods has written about this […]

January 17, 2019

In this edition of the Early Adopter Podcast, Dan Woods speaks with Zoom’s CEO and founder Eric Yuan. In his research, Woods has focused on four characteristics that can define a startup: 1. Are you searching for a business model? 2. Are you accepting venture capital financing? 3. Are you focused on rapid growth? 4. […]

January 16, 2019

The database market has experienced a remarkable level of innovation over the past few decades. In a recent interview for the Early Adopter Research podcast, Dan Woods spoke with Spencer Kimball, co-founder and CEO of Cockroach Labs, about the history of the modern database market. The conversation covered the beginnings of databases, how they’ve evolved, […]

January 15, 2019

In this edition of the Early Adopter Podcast, Dan Woods speaks with Spencer Kimball of Cockroach Labs about the history of the modern database market. The conversation covered the beginnings of databases, how they’ve evolved, and where they are right now. Kimball offered an interesting explanation of the history and development of SQL databases and other […]

January 14, 2019

Productized analytics have been a focus of Early Adopter Research since it was launched. In a recent conversation for the Early Adopter Podcast, Dan Woods spoke with Howard Dresner and Chris von Simpson from Dresner Advisory Services. They recently completed a report about IT analytics and their discussion covered that report. Dresner’s research sheds light […]

January 11, 2019

Productized analytics have been a focus of Early Adopter Research since it was launched. In this edition of the Early Adopter Podcast, Dan Woods spoke with Howard Dresner and Chris von Simpson from Dresner Advisory Services. They recently completed a report about IT analytics and their discussion covered that report which sheds light on the […]

January 10, 2019

Recently, on the Early Adopter Research Podcast, Dan Woods spoke with Darren Oberst, Corporate VP and head of Products and Platforms at HCL, a global systems integrator. HCL is pursuing a strategy called Mode 3 that is taking the old model of global SIs and adding new elements related to both owning and developing products […]

January 9, 2019

In this edition of the Early Adopter Research podcast, Dan Woods speaks with HCL’s Darren Oberst about HCL’s unique way of approaching IP partnerships and technology company acquisitions. HCL is pursuing a strategy called Mode 3 that is taking the old model of global SIs and adding new elements related to both owning and developing […]

January 7, 2019

In a recent edition of the Early Adopter Research Podcast, Dan Woods spoke with Tom Puthiyamadam from PwC’s Digital Practice about the importance of building enterprise platforms for digital transformation. Puthiyamadam leads this work for PwC. Their conversation covered many of the examples of PwC clients that have built various digital platforms using enterprise products […]

January 5, 2019